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Deep Time History of Australia: Home

Year 7 History


Middle School Database Search

Primary and secondary sources


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Citemaker Tutorials


Deep Time History of Australia

Deep Time History of Australia

Investigating early history of Australia

Investigating Early History of Australia

First Footprints

First Footprints Video Series

CITEMAKER | Automatically Generate Citations > Website URL > Ensure Video Box is ticked > CHECK CHECK CHECK


Aboriginal Storytelling

Songlines on Screen

Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources

Sacred Aboriginal Sites

Library Books

CITEMAKER | Automatically Generate Citations > Book ISBN > CHECK CHECK CHECK

The Human Revolution Series

The Human Revolution Series

Trace the human story back through deep time to discover who our ancient cousins really were, and what they can tell us about our own story.

Trace our journey out of Africa and beyond. Along the way we established civilizations and diverse cultures. Cutting edge science reveals how we changed the planet and even ourselves.




Information Literacy Activity - Citemaker Mastery

For this activity you will need to watch various Citemaker Tutorials found here: Home - Citemaker Tutorials: Database Articles - iCentre at Villanova College ( as well as accessing Citemaker.

  1. Watch the Citemaker Tutorial: Introduction
  2. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Websites and then practice what you have learned by entering this website into Citemaker:
  3. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Videos and then practice what you have learned by entering this video into Citemaker:
  4. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Database Articles: DOI and then practice what you have learned by entering this record from our Databases into Citemaker: (When you click on the following link and load the page from our databases, it will not contain the information you require to complete the citation in Citemaker. Click the small back arrow at the top of the page (NOT the back browser button) and you will load the page you need. From now on, if you ever load such a link from another libguide remember to click on that small arrow to find all the information you need for Citemaker) 
  5. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Database Articles: eBooks and then practice what you have learned by entering this record from our Databases into Citemaker: 
  6. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Database Articles: Journal Article and then practice what you have learned by entering this record from our Databases into Citemaker::
  7. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Database Articles: Newspaper Article and then practice what you have learned by entering this record from our Databases into Citemaker:
  8. Watch the Citemaker tutorial: Database Articles: Encyclopedia Article and then practice what you have learned by entering this record from our Databases into Citemaker:

Any eBook, Journal Article, Newspaper Article or Encyclopedia Article you find online (not in a database), will be processed in exactly the same way as the database versions. However, you will need to tick the Internet box when you load each Citemaker form and then add the URL for the source. Practice this now with the following three sources:

9.Entering a Journal article found online into Citemaker:

10. Entering a Newspaper article found online into Citemaker:

11. Entering an Encyclopedia article found online into Citemaker: