DOI - Digital Object Identifier
DOIs are a series of numbers/letters allocated to journal articles. Not all Journal Articles will have a DOI but most do. Whenever you load a source in our databases, look for a DOI to help you cite that source in Citemaker. Also look for a DOI on any Journal Article you may find online. This is an example of a DOI: 10.1111/hex.12487. This tutorial will step you through how to record a source in Citemaker using a DOI.
eBook/Book from our Villanova Database
If you cannot find a DOI for a source, you first need to identify what type of source you have. If it is an eBook, it will be labelled eBook. See the image below and watch the tutorial which steps you through how to enter this source into Citemaker.
Journal Article
Newspaper Article
Encyclopedia Article