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Setting our Future: Stewardship

Setting the strategic direction for Villanova College now and into the future 2021-2023

aspirational intention

Aspirational Intention: To optimise and strengthen resources and foundations of the College for a sustainable and confident future through a culture of stewardship and effective leadership.

intention and elaborations

Strategic Focus Elaboration | Staff Development and Welfare

Targeted staff professional development, leadership and wellbeing programs to inspire staff to be innovative and support staff to be resilient. Seek to attract prospective staff through creating an environment that encourages fulfilment and career satisfaction. 


Strategic Focus Elaboration | Financial Leadership

Deliver responsible financial management that balances the requirement for long term growth and viability with immediate educational priorities and the need for agile responses to a changing educational landscape.


Strategic Focus Elaboration | Facilities

Create and develop innovative and functional facilities to support effective teaching and learning through the continuation of the College Master Plan.


Strategic Focus Elaboration | Governance

Develop processes, policies and procedures that facilitate effective governance and management of the corporate, compliance and financial activities of the College.


Strategic Focus Elaboration | Environmental Sustainability

Implement processes and practices to become environmentally responsible citizens. Present the College grounds as a working model of a sustainable environment.