Bill Peach tells the story of Edward John Eyre, the young explorer who set off with four companions to make a westward journey across the Nullarbor Plain.
The most baffling question facing the early explorers was the destination of the inland rivers of NSW. Charles Sturt solved the mystery in an epic whale-boat journey to the mouth of the Murray River and back again.
Bill Peach retraces the first attempts to cross the Blue Mountains and the difficulties encountered by explorers like Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson
Bill Peach tells the story of Sir Thomas Mitchell, the stormy petrel of Australian exploration. Surveyor-general of new South Wales for nearly thirty years. He discovered Australia Felix or western Victoria.
Edward John Eyre and his loyal companion Wylie, an Indigenous Australian, completed an epic journey across the terrible sand dunes of the Nullarbor Plain from South Australia to Albany in Western Australia in 1841. The journey was undertaken after Eyre had been thwarted in his attempt to explore northwards from Adelaide in search of an inland sea.