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Senior Earth and Environmental Science: Home




"Earth & Environmental Science aims to develop students’:

  • interest in Earth and environmental science and their appreciation of how this multidisciplinary knowledge can be used to understand contemporary issues
  • understanding of Earth as a dynamic planet consisting of four interacting systems: the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
  • appreciation of the complex interactions, involving multiple parallel processes, that continually change Earth systems over a range of timescales
  • understanding that Earth and environmental science knowledge has developed over time; is used in a variety of contexts; and influences, and is influenced by, social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations
  • ability to conduct a variety of field, research and laboratory investigations involving collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and interpretation of evidence
  • ability to critically evaluate Earth and environmental science concepts, interpretations, claims and conclusions with reference to evidence
  • ability to communicate understanding, findings, arguments and conclusions related to the Earth and its environments, using appropriate representations, modes and genres" (QCAA, 2019).

Data Sources

Data Sources



Remote Sensing and Imagery

Remote Sensing and imagery