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Plant Adaptations: Indigenous Australians and the Environment

Year 5 Science

Indigenous Australians and the Environment

Indigenous Australians use of plants and animals

Indigenous Australians Use of Plants and Animals

Bush Medicine

Bush Medicine

Bush tucker

Bush Tucker

Culturally Significant Animals

Culturally Significant Animals

The Many Uses of Australian Plants

Indigenous Australians Use of Plants

Drew Roberts from Shared Knowledge teaches us about how the traditional use that Aboriginal people have for native plants. Drew Roberts, is an Arakwal, Bundjalung man from the Northern Rivers who transfers knowledge to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island mothers at Gunawirra. Learn about plants grown in the Gunawirra Native Garden including pigface, lomandra and golden wattle.

For thousands of years, First Nations peoples across Australia have been growing and cultivating plants. Plants are grown for many different purposes, including food, tools, medicine, shelter, clothing, hunting, carrying, water craft, ceremony and land management. Everything they needed to survive is provided by the bush. The roots and tubers of Yam Daisy, Bulbing Lily and Chocolate Lily are harvested for teaching and eating. Kangaroo Apple, which has a sweet flavour is used for eating and medicinal purposes. Hardenbergia River Mint, and Lemon-scented Gums are used to make teas and herbs.