Vaccinations should never be compulsory! (Image - Myths and Realities: Responding to arguments against vaccination)
The quality of your finished assignment will depend on the quality of your research.
Reading extensively and relying on a wide range of sources will allow you to write with confidence - avoid taking shortcuts ... it will show.
SEARCH: vaccine argument
Vaccines are a topic in this database. Once you have logged in click on the Browse Topics option at the top right-hand side of the window, see image below.
Drag the commands onto the search area to tailor your search. See the image below for the suggested combinations. All the results will be about vaccinations with the word argument in the title of the page. Each result will be a .org site which represent non-profit organisations. Try the same search string but substitute gov for org.
This video is a tutorial on how to search the Points of View Database for information.
This next tutorial explains how you can use this database to find information for or against an issue. Ignore the first part of the video, so start at 0.30.
Once you have logged in, scroll to the Browse by Category section. Click on More in the Health & Medicine section, choose vaccination.
This database supplies you with the argument for and against. It is important you watch the tutorial video above to understand the best way to use this database.