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Teacher Resources: Humanities & LOTE

Humanities and LOTE Teacher Resources


Databases relevant to Humanities and LOTE

Most of the following databases are paid subscriptions. You will need usernames and passwords to access these. Click on the image below to access the usernames and passwords.

You can search each database individually or you can go through the OneSearch option. Click the Senior School One Search image below, to search all databases at the one time.

Senior School Database Search

Staff Us and Ps


History Online Subscriptions

Online Subscriptions


Usernames and passwords are available via the link in the first column of this guide.



The Smithsonian Learning Lab

NASA's Climate Kids

Australian Curriculum History Units

Francis Burt Law Education Programme

Google Maps


Children and Youth in History

Project Noah

Create Interactive HSTRY Timelines

Eternal Egypt

Primary and Secondary Sources

Virtual Tour of the British Museum

Letters from the ANZACs During the Gallipoli Evacuation

American Civil Rights


Museum of the World - The British Museum

Berlin in July 1945

Historical Scene Investigations

Analysing Political Cartoons

World Digital Library

Map of History

The Invisible War

SOBS - Booking rooms

SOBS - Room and Resource Booking

humanities subscriptions


Digital textbooks are delivered via Box of Books, click the image below to be directed to the platform.

History Faculty Textbooks

History Faculty Textbooks

History Faculty Textbooks

Senior Modern History for Queensland

History Alive 10 AC

Jacaranda History Alive 7 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda History Alive 8 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda History Alive 9 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda History Alive 10 Australian Curriculum

History Alive 7 AC

History Alive 8 AC

History Alive 9 AC

Geography Faculty Textbooks

Geography Faculty Textbooks

Geography Faculty Textbooks

Jacaranda Senior Geography 1 for Queensland Units 1&2

Jacaranda Senior Geography 2 for Queensland Units 3&4

Jacaranda Geography Alive 7 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda Geography Alive 8 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda Geography Alive 9 Australian Curriculum

Jacaranda Geography Alive 10 Australian Curriculum

Geography Alive 7 AC

Geography Alive 8 AC

Geography Alive 9 AC

Geography Alive 10 AC

Jacaranda Senior Geography 1 for Queensland Units 1&2

Legal Studies and LOTE Faculty Textbooks

Legal Studies and LOTE Faculty Textbooks

Legal Studies and LOTE Faculty Textbooks

Parliamo Italiano Insieme Level 2 Student Book

Legal Studies for Queensland Volume 1 Units 1&2

Legal Studies for Queensland Volume 1 Units 3 and 4

Legal Studies for Queensland, Volume 1, Units 1 & 2

Links to year level home pages

Year Level

