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Managing Australian Environments: Home

Year 5 Geography

Managing Australian Environments

How environments are used and managed

How Environments Are Used And Managed

Ecological Footprint

Ecological Footprint

Videos - Disaster Management

Indigenous fire practitioner Victor Steffensen wants to see a change in the way Australians manage the land. Learning from and with Elders across the country, Victor runs workshops around Indigenous fire practices. He spoke to reporter Stephanie Boltje before the bushfires broke out in Queensland and New South Wales.

In what ways did Indigenous peoples work harmoniously with nature?

Resource Key

Resource Level

We have graded each source in this Research Guide according to the following levels. 

Level 1

Brief, easy to read information which may be basic and use informal language. Newspaper articles are generally this level.

Level 2

Generally includes subject-specific language, provides additional reading and may provide additional background information.

Level 3

Typically, these will be longer in length, detailed and contain technical information.


Books Found in the Villanova Library

6 types of environments

Managing Natural Disasters

Managing Natural Disasters - Bushfires

Managing Natural Disasters - Floods

Flooding is among Australia's most deadly natural disasters—but it's also important for agriculture and the life cycle of many plants and animals. So, what are floods and what causes them? Improve your knowledge of floods with this Understanding flood video.