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Organise: Graphic Organisers

Graphic Organiser explanation

What is a Graphic Organiser?

undefinedGraphic Organisers are a visual display that help you organise your ideas and information into "chunks" to either show patterns and relationships between information from different sources, that answer different focus questions, or could be used in different parts of your essay or presentation. 


After organising your information, you can compare your Hypothesis or Thesis with the information you have found. You may realise that you need to update your Thesis or search for more information where you have discovered gaps. 

Organising your information BEFORE doing your final product will also enable you to draw appropriate conclusions. Something you must already know before embarking on the Create Step. 

Graphic organisers- which one?

How do I know which Graphic Organiser to use?

To identify a Graphic Organiser that is appropriate to your task, consider the text structure and text type you are required to follow in your assignment.


Some common text structures are:


Some common text types are:


Once the test structure and type have been identified, you can complete a supporting graphic organiser by filling in the components with your research notes.

Graphic organisers- importance

Why is it so important to utilise a Graphic Organiser?

Your teacher is going to be looking for your effective use and application of evidence in your final product. 












When doing research, the information you have collected can be overwhelming. Utilising an appropriate Graphic Organiser will make the next step, producing the product (essay, presentation etc) far less daunting and ensure that you use the right information in the right way, in the right place.

Graphic organiser- videos

Videos about Graphic Organisers




Graphic organisers- examples

Make your own Graphic Organiser (Link to Web Site)





Popular Graphic Organisers (Link to Web Page)
