Academic integrity is demonstrated by students when they produce work honestly and with responsibility. This means, they produce work that is original and their own and they acknowledge the original ideas and words of others.
As a student, you are expected to demonstrate Academic integrity.
When you are given a research topic you search for information, facts and opinions which already exist. It is appropriate and required that you demonstrate ethical consumption of this information. You demonstrate the ethical use of information when you include a Reference list in your assignment and use in-text citations.
The Villanova Library subscribes to Citemaker on your behalf. This is a Referencing and citation generator. Citemaker will assist you in easily compiling a Reference list and will generate the correct in-text citation for your assignments. Scroll down this page to load a series of video tutorials which demonstrate how to register and use the generator.
A Reference List is a list of sources you have used to complete your assignment. Each source must be referred to in your assignment.
There are many different styles of reference lists. Often the differences are as small as the placement of a full stop or the use of italics.
At Villanova we have adopted the APA style. An example is provided for you below.
Each source you enter into a reference list is called a citation. Each citation in your reference list must be referred to in your assignment.
Common Errors and Misconceptions
The following represents how to and not to represent citations for three different sources. The sources used are:
Example One: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) | Geoscience Australia (
Example Three: Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges (
Each example and non example was produced by Citemaker. For each, the URL was copied and pasted into Citemaker. What's the difference? For the non example, the student did not CHECK the information - they just clicked save. For each correct example the information was checked and edited before it was saved. Almost every entry copied into Citemaker will need editing.